Aminet 30
Aminet 30 (1999)(Schatztruhe)[!][Apr 1999].iso
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When you are a small Amiga developer, or even a large one, you will
still need to make sure you fully understand the copyright laws. Since
this mag is made in the UK, we are concentrating on the fact that
there are no copyright registration facilities in the UK, and the
fact that it is not neccessary to show the international copyright
We will be concentrating on small developers like Trogladite Software
and Amorphous. Basically, copyright is nothing. There's no piece of
paper which says you own something, and the fact is, you own anything
you produce automatically.
So what's the need for copyright, if you already own the copyright to
anything you produce? Well, you might need to prove you own something.
Say you made a program and wanted to copyright it. There are no places
to go in the Uk where you can register for copyright, so you have
to use other methods.
The easiest of these methods is to post a copy of your program to your
self via registered post. When you send it, you have to sign something
and the post office records the date that you send the package. When
you receive the package from the postman/woman, you have to sign for
it, which says that you have received it and the date you received it
This is the only proof you need! If someone decides to challenge your
ownership of the program, you can call on the post office to produce
the forms which you signed and the date will provide the proof that
you posted the software to yourself and you therefore own it!
You could also give the package to a high status person like a bank
manager or headteacher (or even a solicitor/lawyer) and call on them
if someone challenges your copyright.
Don't forget how to produce the copyright symbol. You can use '(c)'
for the symbol, but if you have used brackets all over the place
already, then you should really use the official © symbol which can
be produced on the Amiga using ALT+E
Finally, remember that you don't have to include the copyright symbol
if you don't want to. If you have posted a copy to yourself or
give a copy to a high status person, then you still have proof, and
there's no need to put the © symbol on your work.
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